Tanks for the Memories

Has my tank finally arrived back from its journey? Tanks for the memories indeed. Of course it hasn’t! The good news is that it is finally finished. The repairs are complete. Shiny Bits have finished making its bits shiny and the insides have been sealed to provide...

Smiths Chronometric Speedometer

Smiths Chronometric   Nothing says quality British quite like the words “Smiths Chronometric”. My thoughts tend more to Lawrence of Arabia than had I been talking about Lucas, the prince of darkness. The insides of the speedometer, while not totally unknown to me...

Honing in on the money shot

The Money Shot The money shot indeed. It is well documented by anybody who has owned, restored or even had a passing interest in Edward Turner’s less known legacy. That is that Ariel Square four engines that have been poorly maintained or stored for a long time are...

Squariel Dynamo Rebuild Part 2

Squariel Dynamo Rebuild Part 2 Squariel dynamo rebuild part 2 leaves no room for ambiguity for this weeks blog. John from hobby mechanics supplied me with a 5BA tap and some screws. It then took Aus Post 2 weeks to bring the 25 odd kms to my place. The result led to...

Lucas C35SD Dynamo

What is a Lucas C35SD Dynamo? The Lucas C35SD Dynamo (or more commonly called a Generator in this part of the world) is a 6v 40W generator. This was the standard fitment to the Ariel Square Four from 1949 – 1958. Being a product of “The Prince of Darkness” Lucas, we...

Squariel Engine Dismantle Part 3

Dismantling the Bottom End Last time was about the top end. Dismantling the bottom end is next. Good news is that I have made videos of this on my YouTube Channel for your viewing pleasure. Dismantling the Square Four bottom end down was straight forward enough. The...